What Quran Says About Interest Takers

Interest called ribbah, is prohibited and a haram money. ALLAH swt has prohibited it and any business that involves giving or taking of interest is also haram. It�s a gunnah-e kabira.

ALLAH swt has mentioned about interest and its takers at many places in Quran and has warned them for their act.

Holy Quran: 2:276
�Allah makes (the benefits of) Interest decline (and dwindle), while He causes the charity to grow (and flourish). Allah dislikes all the unbelievers the (ungrateful) sinners!�
ALLAG swt had ordered us to stop the transactions in interest and give charity. When dealt in interest, people strive to earn the most from investing the minimum amount. This causes the imbalance of money supply in the markets. Thus the money circulation stops to only one corner of the society with those who can pay interest and those who know all the tactics to take interest at every little transaction. We see this happening in the society today. There is no money circulation on the society where interest prevails.

But when charity is given, this money is utilized only by those who are poor earners. There is a large number of people who earn less than one dollar daily, so when the charity is paid, money goes down instead of going up, making a complete opposite money circle than is seen in the interest based society. Money goes down and level of people�s life standard goes up and equality grows in the society. This leads to balanced economic society and also the expropriation of other�s rights becomes rather impossible. this is just one logic to shun the use of interest there are many others.

ALLAh swt says in Quran: 2:278
�Oh you who believe! Fear Allah and write off (all outstanding) Interest (due you) that still accrues, if you (really) are the believers.�
This verse is a clear cut message of ALLAH swt to those who are muslims. They cannot deal in interest if they want to be believers.

We should fear ALLAH swt and we should fear that torment and that humiliation which could be faced if we do not take care of the money we earn.

This is a very serious problem in our society today because there is no business deal which does not involve interest to be paid, or to be taken. Similarly, people in their daily lives, get loans for any purpose, these small or large loans also involve small or huge amount of interest. Once taken, the borrower will have to pay the interest amount or it will be multiplied with each default. This is how one class of people makes all the money and expropriates the rights of others.

In Quran ALLAH swt says that when usury is paid, it does not do any good to society or it does not do any good to that person even, rather it only increases the money of those who already have more than enough by expropriating the rights of others. But if zakat is paid, it does not only earn the pleasure of ALlAH swt but also beneficial for the society at large. All the debates on economic realities and political system related to economic justice and all can be thrown to dust bin only by following Quran and Sunnah and by adhering to what ALLAH swt has told us to do.

Happiness of Ramadan

Holy Month of Ramadan  make every person happy and the joy that billions of us will feel happy when the month of Ramadan arrives, those who are not Muslim can not imagine what Ramadan is really like. For them it must seem like a severe diet that lasts for a 30 days.

How, they say, can people look forward to going without food and drink between dawn and sunset for a whole month? Yes that Muslim who do, we Muslim look forward to whole year for the month of happiness, the month in which Allah him self asked us about our needs and fulfill those needs with his mercy. Muslims waits for complete year and prepare them for the month of mercy to fast.

The reason behind this is very simple, Muslims have been commanded by Allah to do so. According to the holy Quran
O ye who believe. Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you. That ye may (learn) self-restraint.] (Al-Baqarah 2:183) 
The fast is done only for the sake of Allah Almighty, the happiness and the joy which a fast bring can not be describe in words and the rewards of doing fast for the sake of Allah is clearly defined and that is HEAVEN  jannah.

For all Muslims Ramadan is the month to make another beginning to obey the orders of Allah and his prophet (pbuh). This is the month to set ones priorities to come back to the religion after doing so much sin to ask the forginess to Allah Almighty to start a life as per the teaching of prophet(pbuh) to be faithful to prayers, to recite the Qur�an, to give thanks at all times to Allah for His goodness.

When each day fast is over it brings nice joy on the face of every Muslim and they thank Allah for keeping them alive to see the spiritual month of Ramadan, it is the time when Muslims all over the world share achievements and being a Muslim they fast for the sake of Allah and will only end the fast with the name of Allah when the Muezzin announce that it is the time to end the fast by the name of Allah Almighty. Radios will be turned on in anticipation of the call to Prayer. Throats thirsting for water will eagerly await the cry of �Allahu Akbar� to end the day�s fast. This Year's Ramadan is near so everyone get ready for fasting.

Advises for Muslim Youth

Life is responsibility given to us by Allah. Therefore to lead it seriously and to understand the duty is what the most important thing to do is. Allah swt has said several times in Quran that to spend life in a way serving HIM is the purpose of life. But there are many few who understand the value of life.

In the age of youth, almost 90 percent of humans waste their time in useless activities. See what happens today. Young boys and girls spend their time in music, dance, driving, partying and they forget to offer the obligations which ALLAH swt has put on every muslim.

Al-Quran 2:281
�And fear the Day when you shall be brought back to ALLAH. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly�
To hold the book of deeds in the right hand means to lead a life considering it a responsibility and a trust that has been bestowed on us by ALLAH. We should be more than careful about our deeds when we are young. It is said that young age is the most dangerous age because this is that period of time when emotions are strong and high and logic is covered by them. Hence any step can be taken in any direction if due care is not taken. Shatan likes to shatter the iman of youngsters because children are innocent and shatan;s trick do not influence their innocents minds. In old age, a man already learns enough from his life to take some what sound decisions, but in young age, everything looks right which is thought. And every logic looks absurd and backward. This is why youth should be protected from satan.

The biggest problem with youth is that they fell into the trap of love and emotions easily. The love which is promoted through dramas and movies looks very good and precious but in reality, it is the biggest source to inject the evil practice of zina in society. In islam there is no place for �love� and there is not even a logic behind it. But still novels and biggest writers call it a mystery and unknown. It is neither mystery nor unknown. It is known. it bears no logic because it is a feeling led by wild emotions. Therefore to protect oneself from it should be the primary concern.

Singing and dancing was once considered filth and a degraded act but now it is considered a field of art. The art of emotions and life. There are songs made today especially to attract youth that contain very shirkia words where some times the holy words of Quran are sung with vulgar dance and sometimes God Is cursed. Similarly youth are shown dancing and enjoying life. The common belief in today�s young world is to lead life at full because the fun is full on and this time will not come again. Through the absurd term �fun� , illicit relationship and distance from God is been promoted.

The only target for youth is to be engineer or doctor but they do not want to find what is written in Quran and what was said by Muhammad s.a.w.w. parents like their children to be good at worldly activities but they do not encourage their kids to be good muslims. Young generation knows that there are characters that can find any danger to the world, the concept of God is been wiped out from their minds through high quality fiction movies and cartoons and video games. These video games are not for kids but youngsters through that they learn to kill, to deceive and to steal. They are gradually loosing humanity.

The only advice youth needs is that they should realize their duty and their value. They should read Quran and understand it. They should know how Muhammad s.a.w.w led His life and should learn how the pious muslims competed their duties and died a death of honor and dignity.

Importance of Morals and Ethics

The best thing about Islam is the morals and ethics that we should follow to be good muslims. To leave a good impression on others one must speak polite and balanced. To utter harsh words in harsh tone ruin the image of the good personality.

So, when a person is known as liar, an ill mannered and the one who speaks too much and wastes time, even his good looks and outer personality goes into dust. Therefore, ALLAH swt has told us to be careful in speech and to use those words that do not seem harsh and do not leave a bad impression on others.

We find many commands in Quran hat talk about what to avoid while speaking.

ALLAH swt says in Holy Quran:  3:17
�Those who show patience, Firmness and self-control; who are true (in word and deed); who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way of God); and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning�
IN THE NOBEL VERSE quoted above, ALLAH swt talks about the characteristics of the pious men of ALLAH. And one of the characteristics mentioned is the truthfulness of the speech and acts.

We are commanded to speak justly with everyone in every matter no matter how much an issue is serious and our own relation is at stake.

In verse 2:83, ALLAH swt says:
�And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel (to this effect): Worship none but God; treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now).�
Here speaking fair means to speak politely and I kind way so that people who need our help or who depend on us do not get offended, what else could be the best thing if not a word of kindness!

We should better talk polite because even if with good intension we say a word in a bitter way, shaitan gets a chance to sow the seed of hatred between the relations.

In verse 23:3
�Who avoid vain talk;�
Talking uselessly and too much irritates and people avoid listening to such a person even if he wants to speak good. Backbiting is a sin and later in the same verse ALLAH swt has compared backbiting with eating flesh of a dead person, which indeed is filthy. If one claims something, he should back it with sound proofs otherwise that will be a plain lie and allegation.

To slander others without proof in front of other is a sin.

Who Is Real Beautiful?

Beauty is what is liked the most and is wanted the most. But what beauty actually is? Is it only the beauty that our eyes can see or it is the beauty that our mind can assess? There is a well known saying �beauty lies in the eyes of beholder�

This saying is commonly used to justify the purpose of creation of everything that otherwise can be rejected and thrown if justified by the looks. Therefore, it is said that what beauty is can be different for different people. One might love something praising its beauty while the other might reject it. The craze for beauty has increased so much that everybody wants to look good, by any means. For this people modify their body parts, they do so much things to themselves that their appearance changes totally making them look unnatural being.

What ALLAH swt says about beauty? What is beauty in the eyes of the creator of heavens and earth?
ALLAH swt says in Quran: 40: 64
�All�h, it is He Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is All�h, your Lord, so Blessed is All�h, the Lord of the 'Alam�n (mankind, jinn and all that exists)�
In the verse above, ALLAH swt says that HE has created us and shaped us that look good and perfect. So, when we are good looking and perfect in the eyes of ALLAH swt, how can we be un-grateful to HIM about our looks? Is there any way to amend the perfection? If not, then nobody can criticize nobody on looks.

In the quran, ALLAH swt say that HE fashioned us perfectly i.e. HE has given us perfect shapes, and HE created everything in us in exact proportion, neither an inch extra nor an inch less. And then HE says that HE MADE US LOOK according to HIS will, how can we question the will of ALLAH.

Medical science now says that beautiful parents can have less good looking children and some average looking people can have beautiful children, similarly or complexions and other genetic information can vary as per our race.

Al-Quran: 64: 3
� has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes, And to Him is the final Return.�
This noble verse also speaks the same i.e. we are created as beautiful and perfect. We do not need any more amendments. Thus, by calling other ugly, imperfect or bad, it only means the one who says or thinks so, is questioning the creation and power of ALLAH. Among us, some are better looking than other, but no one is ugly, and we are not entitled to call others ugly or of bad looks.

Our Real Home is Hereafter not this world

this question arises in the mind of every human being that why we are here in this world? what is the purpose of this life and what will happen after we will die? Allah SWT has given the answers of all these questions in Glorious Quran.

Allah SWT says in the Quran:
I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. Verse (51:56) 
 So in light of this verse the basic purpose of our creation is to worship our creator Allah SWT. we are in this world to worship him and glorify him. secondly Allah SWT has not made this world our permanent home. He created death so we can go to the next world that is our permanent home where we will get Heaven or hell depending upon our deeds.

 Allah SWT says in Quran about present world
The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception. 3:185
In another verse it is said
Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the hereafter. But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared to the hereafter. 9:38
so in light of these two verses it becomes clear that this world is valueless as compared to hereafter. our real preparation should be for the day of Judgement. we try so much harder to get wealth, degrees and other things which will not go with us in the hereafter. but how much Importance we give to our deeds which got real Importance? how much we Remember Allah SWT?

we should try to prepare ourselves for our final destination if we really want to be successful.

Earning and Spending Money From Islamic point of view

We are living in a time when the Importance of money is more than ever. the desire of living a lavish life style is more than ever due to Impact of media. Our beloved Rasool SAW has told us that fitnah of my ummah is wealth. Quran tells us that our wealth and our kids are a test for us. there is no doubt that human beings love wealth. when they get the wealth they want even more and this desire never ends till we die. Having wealth is not a bad thing if earned and used in  the right way.

In fact earning money through Halal way and hard work is a virtue. Beloved Rasool SAW said that
Honest traders will be in the category of messengers, saints and martyrs on day of judgement. Bukhari 
another hadith tells us that spending money earned through Halal way on your family is Sadqaah. however its Haram to make money through methods which are forbidden by our Deen like dealing in Interest, doing dishonesty, lying about the Item that you are selling. using money for wrong purposes like bribery, corruption is also Haram.

It is also Important to give Zakat on the money that you have earned. Zakat Purify your wealth and also ends poverty from the society. along with Zakat you should also try to do as much Sadqah as you can. Rasool Allah SAW used to do massive charity.

It is Important to be moderate in spending the money. you should not be wasting the money on unnecessary things and you should also not be a miser. these are some point which we must keep in mind related to Money, earning and spending.

Islamic Tips To Deal With Stress

Stress is a common problem in today's Materialistic and fast life where everyone is busy and running behind money and caring more about feeding the body instead of feeding the soul. despite having everything people are finding it hard to find real happiness and stay away from stress. In this article I will share some Islamic tips that will help you to get rid of stress and start feeling happy and calm.

1 Start Praying If you don't pray: Believe me the peace and satisfaction that you will find in offering Salah and doing Zikr is not present in any other thing. When you will start offering Salah regularly and do Zikr of Allah SWT it will take you away from stress.

2 Be grateful for what you have: start thanking Allah SWT for what you already have instead of worrying about what you don't have. start counting your blessings everyday. that will give you great joy. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has taught us to see towards that person who has less money than us instead of seeing towards those who are more richer. doing so will make us appreciate what we have.

3 Care more about hereafter instead of this world: Remember your real destination is hereafter and you are in this world temporarily for a test. this will bring a great change in you.

4 Stop comparing yourself with others: If you are comparing yourself with others you are taking yourself towards stress and you are also insulting yourself. you don't need to compare yourself with other people in anyway.

5 Keep less expectations from others: Often we keep high expectations from other people and when they don't fulfill them we get hurt. so you don't need to expect much from others.

6 Exercise and walk daily: this is a great tip to find stress keeping yourself active physically. doing exercise and walk helps us in many ways Including Improving our health, confidence and ending stress.

7 Read Holy Quran With Translation: start reading the Book of Allah SWT with translation and understanding. that will bring positive change in you.

8 Involve in welfare activities: Get yourself involved in activities of helping other people. that will greatly help you.

Who Are Qadariyyah?

It is ALLAH swt who decides the qadar of everyone. Here qadar means the fate, or the qismat of people and all that happens. There are two places in Quran where ALLAH swt tells that HE decided qadar on shab-e qadar. This night is one of the blessed nights of Ramadan among the last ashra�s odd nights. The lucky people find this night.

The verses where it is indicated about shab-e qadar are, Surah dukhan and auran qadar, following are the verse from surah dukhan from 2-5. But there is a group of people, who do not believe in the divine decree but they say and argue that what they do in this world is based totally on their will. ALLAH swt cannot decide about them. These are the extreme group that rejects the will of ALLAH swt at all.

We should ask them that if they are so right about their belief, what should be their point of view on the blessed night of Ramadan? Anyway, these people are called qadariyya and they were among the first groups among the muslims, who tried to give the words of ALLAH and His messenger their own meanings.

Divine decree is a matter that co exists with the free will and written fate. This is the main reason of its complexity. If we ignore or reject the divine decree, we will be rejecting the power of ALLAh on us and the status of ALLAH being GOD of all. We say, ALLAH is the creator of all, by rejecting divine decree means to reject the power of ALLAH.

Holy Quran tells us that ALLAH says what he thinks of �to be� and it happens right at that very moment. One more thing is that, the time and space we are living in, is not what we will face in the hereafter, the tiem we have spent on this earth will not even be a fraction of a day in the hereafter because this is a place created for us, and this place is created for us to grow without trouble. The matter of fate can be seen from this simple thing that outside our earth, there is nothing that can inhabit humans. The time is different on different planets in our solar system. the space and place are different. The conditions are different. This is because it was the will of ALLAH swt to create the outer place like that, and the earth like we see now.

If ALLAH swt did not have a will or understanding about us, the humans, how could HE create such a place for us in the first place?

Second point is the creation of the humans. It is the biggest sign for those who reject divine decree over lives. They should know that they were not created out of their will, nor were they acting upon their will to get their rizq, it was a system pre defined for them to move around the earth for the purposes of life. If their life was not based upon the will of ALLAH, they could have ended up dying in misery.

The third and the most important point is it is the satisfaction that our matters rest in hands of ALLAH swt. HE watches over us, and HE protects us and we pray because we know that only HE knows what�s coming our way. If it is good, we will welcome it, if it is not good, HE can remove it from HIS generosity.

The qadariyyah groups are one of the most ignorant groups who do not believe in the power of ALLAH and try to erase HIM from their lives. This is kufr and rejecting ALLAH once the message is arrived and heard is a grave sin that certainly calls for hell.

Train Your Kids For Month of Ramadan

The Holy Ramadan is the month of mercy and blessings and there are many great aspects of Ramadan like, fasting, prayers, moral values, charity and family with all these aspects, this is the month to train our kids whether they are your own kids or kids whom you teach or know somehow.

To educate and train a person is not a easy thing specially if we talk about the Kids. Children don�t bring empty minds they ask question which should be answered by their elders. The process of training requires efforts, energy and a few of techniques to take it off.

According to our beloved Prophet (pbuh) �No father has given a greater gift to his children than good moral training.� (Tirmidhi)

So here are some training tips which we need to follow while we train kids.

1. Let them get their hands dirty:

According to one philosopher �The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.� Herbert Spencer. We know that children learn by doing according to Brunmer, Jerome.   Students retain 75% of a lesson when they learn through hands-on activities compared to 5% through a lecture or 10% through reading.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to bring his grandchildren Hassan and Hussein to the mosque as toddlers before they knew how to pray.

Hence a concept becomes real and acceptable for children only when they experience anything rather than only reading.

2. Involve their Emotions:

We know that children are emotional they take everything emotionally and get involved emotionally in everything they do. They really want to leave it as we can see video games tv shows targets the emotions of children and to be a teacher or a trainer we can also use the same technique  for training.

3. Reveal the Purpose:

It is very important to tie a reward on every exercise which they do, we often hear students complain why should we do this? And we simple answer them because you have to do this. So this is the attitude which make the motivation level of a child zero and he will not do his work properly so to make a child do work properly you need to tie a reward on every action of a child.

Excessive competition and comparison can often result in helplessness and lack of motivation for children who learn in different ways or at a slower pace. Allow children to judge their own progress and compare themselves to their former level rather than that of others.

Make this Ramadan the beginning of a memorable and long-lasting training experience for you and your children. Remember Me in Your Duas in This Ramadan.

Predestination and Islam

The belief in predestination is one of the pillars of islam. It is one of the fundamental beliefs which have to be believed for every muslim. What predestination means is that, Allah swt has knowledge of every thing, and everything happens with His will. So, basically, the belief in predestination requires us to believe in the following things;

the knowledge of everything rests with Allah and He knows everything about everything.

Allah swt has written everything about universe and all that is beyond and within it, in loh-e mahfooz.

Everything happens by the will of Allah swt.

He is the creator of everything.

These four points form the basis of the belief in predestination. Some people has misinterpreted predestination as the idea that we have no free will and that whatever we do is already pre set. These people then blame their fate for everything that happens to them. But this is very extreme and total opposite. It is a bit complex to understand fate but once its done, it becomes crystal clear. Lets take the example of a robot. The creator of the robot knows what its capabilities are. Robot does what its meant to do. Now induce the concept of artificial Intelligence into this robot. This robot now has improved free will, but still it has a pre set course. It will choose from a preset values or instructions but in the end, what it means to achieve, it will.

Humans are the best creation. We are given free will and we are given the leave to choose. But in the end, it is the will of Allah swt that sets the things right. This is why, we wait for the divine justice and a miracle to happen. Allah swt has mentioned about the concept of predestination in Quran on various places as well, like in the following verses, He swt say;

�Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine preordainment of all things before their creation as written in the Book of Decrees AlLawh AlMahfooz)�
[al-Qamar 54:49]
�No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (AlLawh AlMahfooz) before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allaah�
[al-Hadeed 57:22]

There are ahadith as well which describe the belief in predestination. The following haadith says;

�Abd-Allaah ibn �Amr ibn al-�Aas said:
I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: �Allaah wrote down the decrees of creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth.� He said: �And His Throne was upon the water.�
Muslim (2653)

The concept of prayer (dua) further explains the predestination. There are many things that we do not understand even about our own life. If we were totally bound, then the purpose of our creation has no meaning. If we were given total free will, then the concept of God would have no meaning. Our very existence itself is the is biggest proof of the belief in predestination.

Qadiyaniat and Islam

ISLAM is the religion of ALLAH swt because HE has liked this religion for mankind. Those who will go against this religion will never be able to enter jannah. Those who gorged islam to earn a good place in the eyes of kufar and those who had knowledge and even then they tried to sell islam, for them there is nothing left. They will and are been humiliated in this world and they will see the humiliation in the hereafter.

Qadiyani community is one such group who follow a false person and who know they are wrong but they do not like to understand because of the worldly gains they are getting.

for such people there will be no place in the hereafter, ALLAH swt will not even look at them because they did a loss to themselves in this world. People who sell the word of ALLAH for worldly gain can never be happy not even in this world no matter how much they earn or feel safe.

These people are not only doing harm to themselves but also are enemies of the mankind because they are knowingly tempering the truth. A person who is not even loyal with ALLAH can never be loyal with anyone, not even with his own self.

ALLAH swt says in Quran: 3:71
"O People of the Scripture! Why do you mix truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know''
For those, who think religion of ALLAH is nothing but a set of rules that can be changed according to their desires. For these people there will be no gain the hereafter.

No money will help them, nor will they be able to convince ALLAH swt like they do the people here in this world. They are only playing with their hereafter.

Nobody can help us other than the will of ALLAH. Those who receive the help of ALLAH in their matters are blessed but those who are going deep into the filth, they should not consider this as help or blessing but their way is a quicksand from where, no hand of help will ever extend to them.

ALLAH swt says in Quran: 3: 160
 �If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: if He forsakes you, who is there after that that can help you? In Allah, then, let believers put their trust�
When ALLAH swt has mentioned in Quran clearly that HE is not going to spare the wrong doers and there will be no place where they can hide from the wrath of ALLAH swt, why these people are blind ever when they have sight.

Qadiyani community calls mirza ghulam qadiyani a prophet, but a prophet can never be liar nor can he go against the message of ALLAH, and those who did that, they will be answerable to Him.

ALLAH swt says in Quran: 3:161
�No prophet could (ever) be false to his trust. If any person is so false, he shall on the Day of Judgment, restore what he misappropriated; then shall every soul receive its due whatever it earned,?and none shall be dealt with unjustly.�
We have seen mirza�s lies and they have been proven and no qadiyani could ever come up with any justification, so they should read this verse of Quran and decide themselves if they are following a falsifier or a right person!

Why We Follow Islam Only in Ramadan?

Doing good deeds and avoiding bad ones is a practice that keeps the conscious alive. Month of Ramadan is the blessed time when satan is caught and jailed for the whole month hence he cannot mislead the people on earth except for those who have a weak or dead conscious. But a general tendency of avoiding bad and adopting good deeds is seen in this month.

It is good to lead this blessed time being a good muslims but why do we perform good only in the month of Ramadan? Is it enough for us to be good only in Ramadan? Will our sins be erased for the next 11 months if we do well in one month? Certainly not, because every time we do well, it is recorded and every time we do bad it is recorded. The process of earning reward is not time bound rather it is a continuous process and only a continuous effort proves to be a real effort.

Month of Ramadan means a lot for muslims, but it is the same month that teaches us to be patient and to shun greediness throughout the year. Ramadan is not merely a month to fast and then forget the good deed at once. But it is a month of training. A training to make us feel good, ground to earth, helping, caring and a good person with good intentions throughout the year.

In the 11 months, we eat, we drink, and sleep with our choice, but in one month, we do all this keeping in mind, ALLAH�s will. Why can�t we lead our life in the rest of 11 months with the same ideology? To live for ALLAH is the purpose of life.

ALLAH swt says in Quran: 51 : 56
�And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).�
So, the purpose of creation of humans is not to worship ALLAH and be honest with Him just for one month, rather it is the purpose of life.

Our good deeds are not time bound but they are a continuous process. Quran speaks of the actions that the righteous people do throughout their lives. They do not depend on a time to be good, because this will never do them any good to forget ALLAH for the 11 months and remember Him in the time when satan is out.

Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 73, Number 83:
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink."
This hadith is a clear cut answer to the topic, if one does not avoid the bad deeds his fast means nothing.

How a Muslim Should Do Business?

Being Muslims and living is a Muslim majority society (though not completely Islamic in many aspects) we are more responsible than others when it comes to honesty and justice and truthfulness. Since the western system has failed to maintain the truthfulness and quality of business where, society can benefit, now they realize that there needs to be business ethics and �corporate social responsibility� if they want their business to grow. The business solely depends on the society, if people will not take any interest into a business, it will collapse, and therefore the first thing to run a business successfully is to run it truthfully.

ALLAH (swt) says in Holy Quran: 23: 7
�But those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors�
Therefore, to exceed the limits and to ask for more than what is the right share means nothing but to invite anger of ALLAH. History has seen that no matter how successfully the buggers planned but in the end, they ended up with nothing but humiliation. The case of ENRON is the biggest example.

But those, who observe their limits, and do not ask for more than their due share, for them ALLAH says:

Holy Quran: 23: 8-11
�Those who faithfully observe their Trusts and their covenants; And who (strictly) guard their prayers. Those will be the heirs. Who will inherit Paradise: they will dwell therein (forever). �
The above verses indicate that those who do their jobs with truthfulness and those who do not break trusts, they will be the dwellers of paradise. This means that ALLAH swt likes such people.

Quran those duties which ALLAH swt has assigned to man, were first offered to the heavens and earth but they refused to take them because these duties need strong personality and moral uprightness and firm believe in ALLAH swt to bear such great responsibilities. Truthfulness, honesty and moral responsibilities are among those duties assigned by ALLAH.

ALLAH swt has told us to do business but keeping ourselves in the prescribed limits of ALLAH and HIS Messenger s.a.w.w. In surah al-baqarah verse number 282, ALLAH swt told us clearly that whenever undergoing and business or debt deal, we must sign contract and make everything transparent. Similarly, in sahih bukhair chapter 35 Messenger of ALLAH s.a.w.w has told us how to do business and trade.

Muhammad s.a.w.w. said:
�if he does  not strive  diligently to promote their welfare, he will not enter Paradise with them.� 

Islam teaches us to be just, dutiful, truthful and honest. How ALLAH�s Messenger s.a.w.w has spent His life is a best example for us. All we need to do is to be good Muslims and we will never need any CSR or business ethics as a part of our code because they are already part of our FAITH and a true Muslim�s faith is in his conscience and in his soul.

Laylat al-Qadr The Most Blessed Night Of the Year

Laylat al-Qadr also known as Shab e Qadr and in English Night of Decree is considered the most blessed night of the year according to Islamic belief. this night appears in last 10 days of Ramadan on one of the odd nights 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th. there is no one fixed night which is told.

Laylat al-Qadr has great Important for many many reasons. there is a complete Surah in Holy Quran with name of Surat Al Qadr about this night.
Indeed, We sent the Qur'an down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.
So this Surah tells us several Important points. firstly that Quran was revealed on this blessed night. secondly that this night is better than a thousand months. thirdly that angels are sent down and fourthly that its a night of peace.

Muslims try to do as much worship on this night as much possible. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him used to do lot of worship on odds night of Ramadan. he also used to stay up on these nights. He SAW has also advised to read following dua on this night:

Choosing Right Life Partner

Marriage is Sunnah and one of the most liked acts, if done in good intention because its benefits are many fold. Marriages does not only save the individuals from committing Haram acts (zina) but also save the society at large fro going astray. We see how west has crossed all limits and now termed as one of the most open society where no one respected but only desires are respected and served. Therefore, marriage is the best thing to do.

Once one decides to do marriage, he/she should look for the person who is not only good in character but also a fearful muslim because a person of upright character can become a real better half. Marriage is a decision that individuals have to take weighing the pros and cons of their decision. And no forceful decisions can be made as we see parents forcing their kids to marry a person of their choice. It is no sin to choose life partner for kids, but it is not permissible to force them because their children have to lead their lives with their better halves not the parents.

Second and the most important thing is, while deciding for marriage, one should not go beyond the prescribed limits of Islam. Today, young boys and girls call it their right to marry the person of their choice, out of emotions, and then leave their homes and their parents and after sometime when they realize their mistake they come back with empty hands. This is also wrong. There is a respectable way to do everything.

The evils have grown in our society only because we have left Islam and have adopted the modernist life style. This life style looks good apparently but in real this leads to broken families, broken personalities and committing sins. Marriage should not be done to TEST AND TRY a person; rather it should be dealt as a serious matter, matter of life. The individual whose life�s most important matter is considered should also be asked and encouraged to speak so that when the final decision is made, both girl and boy are happy and ready to accept this biggest responsibility.

Girls are mostly forced to get married to a person of their parent�s choice even when they are not ready. They mostly stay quiet and accept it calling it their fate. This is not what Islam says. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w cancelled nikah of a young virgin girl whose father married her without her will.
Narrated Al-Qasim: A woman from the offspring of Ja'far was afraid lest her guardian marry her (to somebody) against her will. So she sent for two elderly men from the Ansar, 'AbdurRahman and Mujammi', the two sons of Jariya, and they said to her, "Don't be afraid, for Khansa' bint Khidam was given by her father in marriage against her will, then the Prophet cancelled that marriage." (Bukhari Book #86, Hadith #99)
Proof 2:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: A virgin came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and mentioned that her father had married her against her will, so the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) allowed her to exercise her choice. (Abu Dawud Book #11, Hadith #2091)
Therefore, it is wrong on part of parents if they try to impose their choice on their kids when it comes to the marriage of their children and it is also wrong if the children do anything out of emotions and then regret and ruin their lives.

Choosing life partner is very important decision so we should be looking for a person who is pious and righteous not the one who has the only qualities of being rich and good looking.

Islamic Point of View on Life After Death

Almost all the Major religions of the world believes in the life after death in different ways. If we talk about Hinduism the Hindus believes in Punar Janam which means that man again takes birth in this World after death and this process is continues.

The Christians believes that after death those who believes in Crucifixion of Prophet Jesus PBUH will go to Heaven while others will go to hell. Now I came towards the Islamic Belief about Life After Death that is also my topic of today. Islamic Belief about Life After death is that whoever will do good deeds in this World and will Worship God will go to Heaven and a person who will do bad deeds will go to Hell.

Muslims Believes that this life is a test for hereafter and if we will do good works in this world we will enter Heaven and if we will do bad deeds will will enter hell. When a Muslim dies his Funeral is offered after giving him bath and then he is buried. Funeral is actually a prayer for the person who has died. on the day of Judgement all the Humans will be presented in front of Allah Swt and they will be shown what they have done in this life. This life is a test for all the human beings and the result of this test will come in hereafter.

Allah Swt replies to those in Holy Quran who rejects Judgement day and says that how we can become alive again after dying? Allah Says in Quran if we can give you this life once is it difficult for us to make you alive  again?

no it is very easy for us. Allah Swt also says in Quran that those who done good deeds in the World and worshiped me will enter the Heaven and those who rejected our Signs and done bad deeds will go to Hell that is a very bad place.

Islamic Belief about Life After Death is very logical as compare to Beliefs of other Religions. because it tells us that we will get Heaven or Hell according to our deeds in this World. May Allah Swt help us in doing Good deeds and enter us in Paradise after Death.

Islam's Concept of God Is Simple and Logical

In all the major religions of the World its necessary to believe in God but the concept of God in every religion is different. for example In Hinduism there are uncountable number of Gods and Idols of these Gods are worshiped. In Christianity Father, Son and Holy Spirit all three are part of God. in Buddhism Budha is God. Now lets see the concept of God In Islam.

In Islam God Is one and only who cannot be seen with human eye. He is creator of everything. Islamic concept of God Is really simple and logical as compared to other religions concept of God which is very confusing. Surah Ikhlas of Holy Quran gives perfect concept of God In Islam. lets have a look.
Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One, Allah , the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
 The same concept of God was presented by all the Prophets Including Jesus, Moses, Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad Peace Be upon them all.

Interestingly the concept of Oneness of God even exists in books of other religions like Hinduism and Christianity but with time humans corrupted these religions and their beliefs. for example Hindu scripture [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1] says "He is One only without a second."

Similarly in Bible [The Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4] it is said "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord".

So Islamic concept of God also exists in other religious scriptures. all of us Muslims should try to give Dawah to non muslims towards this message of Tauheed.

7 Things Which You Must do this Ramadan

Ramadan 2015 is almost approaching Alhamdulilah. the month in which the environment changes completely and everyone of us tries to get closer to Allah SWT by doing as much good deeds as possible. I have created a list of 10 things which you must do this Ramadan to get maximum benefit of the holy month.

1 Do Zikr: Ramadan is the best time to do as much Zikr of Allah SWT as much possible. doing Zikr increases our emaan and gives us inner peace.

2 Read Holy Quran: many of us don't read Holy Quran whole year. at least in Ramadan we should try to read complete Holy Quran with the translation.

3 Charity: Do as much charity as you can do because Rasool Allah SAW said The best charity is that given in Ramadan.

4 Feed the poor people: Ramadan is great opportunity to feed the poor people at time of Sehri and Iftar. so provide them with the same food that you eat.

5 keep your tongue in control: Fasting should help you to keep control on yourself. not just from drinking and eating but also from speaking bad from your tongue.

6 don't eat too much In Iftar: after the fast of whole day many people eat too much in Iftar due to which they lose all the health benefits which they got from fasting. Fasting will benefit you very much if you will avoid eating too much in Iftar.

7 Find the Laylat al-Qadr: its a night better than 1000 months which you should find in last 10 odd nights of Ramadan.

try these 7 things and get maximum benefit from the blessed month of Ramadan Kareem.

Islamic Questions Answers Related to Marriage

Marriage is a really Important part of human lives and Islam has given us clear guidelines regarding marriage. It guides us about each and every aspect of marriage. Following we are sharing some frequently asked Questions and their answers related to Marriages.

1 Islam permits Love Marriage or not?

If two people like each other then there is nothing better than marriage for them so Islam surely allows Love marriage. however Islam doesn't allow having any kind of relationship before marriage.

2 what is the minimum age required to get married in Islam?

Islam doesn't gives any specific age at which a girl and boy can married. however Puberty is necessary to get married.

3 can parents force their children to marry specific person?

Its haram to force your children to marry someone. Islam allows everybody to choose their life partners freely.

4 What Is the Islamic way of marriage?

Islamic way of getting married is really simple. Girl and boy will have Nikah in Mosque and next day Boy will give walima party to guests. there is no Mehndi, Barat and Engagement In Islam.

5 Is temporary marriage allowed in Islam for specific period?

temporary marriage which is also known as Mutah is forbidden In Islam because Prophet SAW forbidden it.

6 Can girl get married without permission of her Wali?

Its not allowed for a girl to get married without taking permission from her Wali according to hadith of Rasool Allah SAW.

these are some of  the most asked questions regarding marriages. I hope this post will help all the people who are looking for answers.

Importance of Mother in Islam Mothers Day Special

Every year the world celebrates the mothers day to pay respect to all the mothers of the World. but I say In Islam everyday is mothers day. Mother is indeed a great blessing and Gift of Allah Swt to everyone. The Love of mother for her kid is without any personal benefit. From Birth to young age mother faces lot of difficulties for her kid. Islam pays huge respect to mother infect the respect Islam gives to mother no other religion or law gives to her. I will be discussing below what rights and respect Islam gives to her.

According to a sahih hadith someone asked Prophet Saw who deserves my kindness most? Prophet Saw said your mother. That man asked after her? Prophet Saw again said your mother. That man asked for the third time after her? Prophet Saw again said your mother. That man asked for the fourth time after her? then Prophet Saw said your Father. According to another Hadith of Prophet Saw Heaven lies below the feet of the mother. Holy Quran teaches to not even say uffff to your mother and respect her and treat her well. Another verse of the Holy Quran says Respect your Mother who given you birth in lot of pain.

There are hundred of Quranic Verses and Sahih Hadiths talking about Respect of mother and teaching us to treat her rightly. on the other hand not obeying your parents in one of the biggest sin in Islam according to Sahih Hadith.

In short in Islam your mother have following rights over you:

You must respect and Love your mother.

You must take care of your her.

Don,t offend your mother.

Spend your money on the needs of her.

When your mother dies do Dua for her.

After her death you must maintain ties with those who where closer to her.

May Allah Swt help us in obeying our mothers and treating them with love.

Its Time For Muslim Ummah To Unite

There are more than 50 Muslim countries In the World and total Muslim population is almost touching 2 billion. Islam is fastest growing religion of the world. Arab countries are filled with Oil. all types of resources are available in Muslim countries. despite all these facts Muslim Ummah is badly suffering today. Just take the recent example of Israel attack on Gaza. Israel is a small countries which attacked and killed 2000 Innocent Palestinians and all the Muslim Ummah kept on seeing Instead of taking any action against Israel.

from Afghanistan to Iraq and from Syria to Palestine Muslims are facing occupations, humiliation and unrest. in 1400 years history of this Ummah from last few centuries we are in our worst period right now. There was a time when we ruled the world. When we were ahead than West In Science and education. but today everything is opposite.

So why this is happening with us. First of all we ourselves are responsible for this. we are not united. we have stopped following Quran and Sunnah. we have stopped gaining the knowledge. we are divided into sects and Nationalism. secondly our enemies are also trying hard to make the things worse and worse for us by doing conspiracies.

Remember the Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW:
The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever. [Muslim]
Muslim Ummah should be like one body. When one Muslim is in pain in one corner of the world the other in other corner should feel the pain and help him. Loving our country is natural but Nationalism should not overcome the Ummah. Islam is above country. we should also not be divided on basis of Sectarianism. Quran clearly teaches us to not be divided into sects. the solution to overcome sectarianism is following Quran and Sunnah.

we should also be ready to respond to the conspiracies of our enemies. they want to divide and conquer us. we should start gaining knowledge and make progress in different fields of life Including media. we have all types of resources available which are needed to be utilized in right way.

Democracy or martial law will not solve our problems. our struggle should be for Khilafah and establishing the system of Islam.

Save Your Muslim Child From Wrong Use of Internet

Internet is one of the most popular invention of recent decades and it has got great popularity around the world. Internet Users are increasing everyday very rapidly and slowly it is reaching in every house  of the globe. Millions of Muslims Around the Globe also uses Internet for different purposes. Internet has good and bad two sides. it depends on the person how he uses it

It can be used for good purposes like Research, Learning about Islam, Online Shopping and many other good uses. Internet has also many wrong uses like watching uncharacteristic things. Large Number of people who uses Internet are youngsters and many Young Muslims also uses it.

The sad thing is that that Many People Including Muslims makes wrong uses of Internet and watches  Immoral things on it. Most of the People who watches bad things like Pornography are Youngsters. According to latest report of Famous Search Engine Google Many Muslim Countries are also included in the list where these sites are viewed the most. These Sites are taking our youngsters on wrong paths away from Islamic way.

If you are a Parent and your Child also uses Internet you should keep a check that what your Kid is watching online. Also try to keep Computer on such place where your Child can't use Internet alone. You can also block these wrong websites. Muslim Countries Governments also need to take strong Step on this issue and should block all such websites.

Kids can also face other problems like bullying and harassing Online. so it Is very Important to keep an eye on what they are doing online on regular basis.

Facts About Eid Ul Fitr

In total there are two festivals In Islam in a year Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul Adha. Eid Ul Fitr is celebrated at end of holy month of Ramadan. It is also known as small Eid. other Eid Is Eid Ul Adha which is celebrated on 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah after Hajj. This Eid is also known as Big Eid.

This year's Eid Ul Fitr is just a week away from us now and expected to be celebrated on 28th or 29th of July 2014. So I planned to share some facts about this Eid.

So Here we go:

1 Eid Ul Fitr is celebrated at the end of holy month of Ramadan on 1st Shawwal.

2 It is celebrated after sighting the moon of Shawwal.

3 Its not allowed to keep fast on day of Eid.

4 Its Sunnah to take bath and wear new dress on this day. If its not possible to wear new dress then you can wear old.

5 On the morning of this day a special Eid prayer is offered in open grounds by Muslims.

6 Before Eid prayer its necessary for every rich Muslim to give Fitra (money) to needy people.

7 It is celebrated once in a year.

8  Kids receives (Eidi) money from elders on this day. however there is no concept of Eidi In Islam.

9 People hugs each other three times while saying Eid Greetings.

10 delicious dishes are made in every home on this day. people also send sweet dishes to neighbors in the morning.

I hope you enjoyed reading these facts about Eid. I would like to say Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims in advance.

Who Are Jabariyyah?

holy quran contains the message for those who think that they are only a game created by ALLAH swt and that they do not have any importance related to their lives.

This is the mentality of jabariyya. This group of people believes that there is no free will, whatever they do is pre written. Even if they do sin, it is written and nothing happens because of their choice. In short, they totally reject their purpose of life or the majesty of ALLAH swt. They feel free to do whatever they want to do and say that this all is pre written so their fates are already decided.

This deviated group worships ALLAH swt as if it is a duty imposed on them and they have to follow it willingly or unwillingly. In fact they do not see any will in their life as per their belief.

Rejecting free will means these people either do not understand Quran, or they have freed themselves �willingly� from the fear of the hereafter which should be there in every muslim if he wants salvation.

ALLAH swt has said several times in Quran that man is free to choose the course of action he wants to take. If he wants to do evil, it will be his choice and decision will be made based on his willing actions.

Wow, this group is so busted here because this holy verse speaks exactly opposite to what they say. Here we are told that we are given choice to do good or bad. If we do good, it will benefit us further if we do bad, it will wrong us more.  The claim of enforced life is busted clear cut without going in further talk. Then ALLAh swt says;

And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful)
This holy verse says that if we one does evil and later on he repents, he will be forgiven. Why will a person repent if he has no will at all? We repent only because we realize our mistakes and errors. And this realization is here only because we have free will. Robots, animals, birds have no free will. They lead a programmed life. If we are better than them it is only because with brain we have a free will. This is this free will of man that he makes his life either heaven or hell.

It is always better to understand our position in the light of Quran and sunnah rather than giving justifications to our acts as per our thinking.

Islam and Science

Islam is the religion favored by ALLAH swt and it is the religion of all the prophets and pious people. Unlike other religions, It is the progressive religion and the modern in many aspects. There are religions that still argue over many scientifically proven facts and call them absurd.

For example, Christians believed that earth was stationary and it could not move around sun, and even the churches killed those people who ever dared to think other then the bible. Even till 1992, catholic churches were dead sure that earth was stationary, and including Christians, there were almost all ancient religions that believed that earth was flat, not round.

Similarly, in 2010, it was finally admitted by the catholic churches that earth is not the center of earth. This is how pessimistic and illogical other religions are.

Islam is neither a pessimist nor an illogical system of mere beliefs. But everything that is ever presented before muslims by ALLAH and HIS Messenger s.a.w.w was based on sound grounds so that there could not leave any doubt on our minds regarding the logical background of what we are told to do.

The definition of science is to prove the theories with logic, and if earth is round or sphere, how is human created, what is the dominant element in our creation, was the birth of universe a bang event, and many other events and areas of knowledge that were either philosophy or branches of meta physics or logic, ALLAH swt has given us the knowledge of everything that we should know in order to satisfy our thirst of knowledge.

Al-Quran: 41:011
�Then HE turned to the heaven, while it was something like smoke, and said to it and to the earth; `Come ye both of you in obedience, willingly or unwillingly.' They said, `We come willingly.'�
 This holy verse reveals what science discovered in 19th century, the theory of big bang.
How is the universe working, ALLAH swt has also told us that in Quran.

Al-Quran 21:33
�It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: All (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.�
Today, we know from the most modern researches that every object in the universe is moving towards an unknown point, and all objects move, nothing is stationary it is as if they have been set to move and rotate through an all controlling mechanism. The mechanism is nothing but the Glorious ALLAH swt.

The modern science was able to know the shape of the earth after long way of research, while it was first believed that earth is round, but it was later proved that earth is a sphere not round. This is what ALLAH swt has told us in Quran.

Al-Qur�an 79:30
�And the earth, moreover, hath He made egg shaped.�
These are few examples what we have seen in Quran, there are many other information that science is now discovering but we have been told them 1400 plus years ago.

Due to the progressive and open nature of Islam, muslim world has produced many scholar and scientists like bu ali sina, Archimedes, al-beruni, ibne haisham etc.

There are many weblinks and historical work done to explore the contribution of muslims and islam in the field of science. It was only islam that encouraged its followers to explore the world. ALLAH swt taught HIS men the knowledge which HE never taught any other creature. Mostly, we see the trend of excluding GOD from science. The modern researchers and scientists, who are mostly atheists, do not like the talk of GOD.  We believe, when we exclude ALLAH, nothing is left.

For such people ALLAH swt says: 53:028
�About this they definitely have no knowledge. They merely go by their assumptions, but when it comes to (the search for) the truth, the assumptions do not help a bit.�

Being a Healthy Muslim

We all know how Important good health is for a human being to live a good life. the Importance of health is even higher than wealth. when you are not healthy nothing looks good. Our Deen Islam which is a complete way of life also guides us how to maintain a good health. following are some Islamic health tips for having a good health:

1 don't use alcohol:

our religion prohibits the use of  alcohol and considers its drinking a great sin. drinking alcohol has massive side effects on health. it even causes thousands of road accidents.

2 don't eat pork:

eating pork is also prohibited In Islam and according to different medical researches eating pork can cause several diseases. its not safe as compare to meat of halal animals like cow and goat.

 3 don't overeat:

Rasool Allah SAW has prohibited Muslims from overeating and advised them to stop eating while some hunger is left. overeating causes many health problems.

4 Use Miswak:

using Miswak is sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. do you know using it has many health benefits on teeth and it protects from cavities  gum infections.

5 cleanness is half of the deen: 

it is hadith of our beloved Rasool SAW that cleanness if half of the deen. we all know how Important cleanness is for good health. no matter its cleanness of environment around us or personal hygiene Islam teaches us to care about both.

6 Covering utensils and water glasses:

In the hadith of Sahih Bukhari and Muslim it is also advises to cover the Kitchen utensils and water glasses properly.

7 circumcision of male babies

In Islam circumcision of Male babies is done and according to medical research it helps against many diseases like Prostate Cancer, urinary diseases.

8 Washing your private parts after urination and defecation:

In Islam Its compulsory to properly wash your private parts with water after urination and defecation. it not only keeps us clean but also protects against many diseases.

9 five Prayers daily:

In Islam its necessary to pray five times a day. when you are praying your body is also exercising which is healthy.

10 Fasting:

In Islam fasting has great Importance specially in the month of Ramadan. fasting has many health benefits like it helps against cancer, diabetes, stomach diseases.

11 Using honey, dates and milk:

Prophet SAW has given great Importance to use of honey, dates and milk and amazingly all these three things are very healthy. honey treats many types of infections. milk is really Important for our body and bones.

12 Ablution before praying:

Its necessary to do ablution before every prayer. when we wash our self it not only cleans germs but also gives us internal peace.

Free Will and Predestination

Free will means to do thing out of own choice without any external pressure to choose a particular entry. Take this life as a big programming manual. You are the one who will accountable for your life. Whatever commands you write will make your program run one way or other. So just like a programmer, who chooses a particular set of instructions for his program, we are all free o make choices to do what we like to do at particular times.

We are created as crown of creatures because of the knowledge we are given and because of the free will that we have. Still, there is a concept in islam, the core concept which makes people doubt about this free will thing. That core concept is the pre-destination. Or the pre-determined set of events. Again, think about a computer game with known levels. Every time when you win a level, another level appears, with more upgrades and more and more skills. But think about the way you complete it. It may be that you choose to complete one objective before you want to complete the other objective within the same level. This is upto your will. But you are limited to the level completion.

Just like this game example, our life is a set of pre determined events and free will choices. Allah swt say in Quran;
�Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine Preordainments of all things before their creation as written in the Book of Decrees ___ Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz)� [54:49]
�No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz) before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allaah� [57:22].
Prophet Muhammad pbuh said on this topic;
�Allah decided the decrees of creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth. He said: And His Throne is above the water.� Muslim (2653).
The verses and the hadith indicated that all the information is already coded in a book much prior to the creation. Then the verses given below indicate a very different thing;
�And say: �The truth is from your Lord.� Then whosoever wills, let him believe; and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve� [18:29] 
�Verily, We showed him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful� [76:3]
This is what non believers most often raise as objection. But they fail to understand that one simple thing, which they also do in their lives. It is the choice limitation. We are all free to choose within our controllable life events. But somethings are beyond our control. Just like a new life. We cannot create a new life if it is not the will of Allah. Similarly, we cannot make a person end his life if it is not his end.

If we read surah kahaf, the mystry Is solved. This surah of Quran contains the meeting of hazrat musa a.s. And hazrat khizar a.s. Hazrat khizar a.s. Was given the knowledge which hazrat musa a.s. Could not comprehend. And that was the knowledge about the predestination of the things and living beings. Every even had a wisdom behind it. The control is always in Allah's hand. Just like a game, we can choose to complete a level whatever way we want, but we cannot jump ahead without following an order. This is why a game looks so amazing. Same rule should be applied to life. Life only becomes good if we do not try to mess with it. 

The Slaves of Evil Desires

below are the words of satan as reported in Quran. When satan was casted out, he went furious with jealousy and rage. He promised that he will never miss an opportunity of misleading slaves of Allah. He promised that he will make humans, the slaves of their own desires. And those desires will be vain and evil. The verse mentioned above says that satan wants us to change the very nature of the things as created by Allah swt.

[004:119]�I will definitely mislead them. I will certainly stir up vain and wanton desires in them. I will command them and they will split the ears of the cattle (a common practice of the idol worshipers). I will persuade them, and they will change and corrupt the nature (of the order) of things that Allah has created.� Whoever takes Shaitan as his master instead of Allah, has indeed incurred a severe and significant loss! 

Well, satan is keeping his promise. He is bent to lead us to vain desires and wrong ways. Today, people are changing what they dont like. They have damaged the nature to the extent that there is no coming back in most cases. Many animals are extinct not because they died of natural causes, but because they died to fulfil the vain desires of men. In another place, Allah swt say;
[004:120] Shaitan holds out false promises to his followers, and arouses in them the wanton and vain desires. The promise of Shaitan is nothing but chicanery a deception.
This is the message of Allah swt for those who do not understand and keep on doing bad things. It is nothing but the deception of satan. And what is the deception of satan? Satan makes things look good and purposeful in our eyes. We do not see any harm in committing sins as far as we have not done it. Satan will fill our minds with thousands of excuses. When a sin is committed, only then many of us realize that it was a mistake. But those who do not realise it, they will realise it eventually on the day of judgement. Satan, on that day, will say that only Allah is his lord and that he never forcefully put any one in the wrong path. That day, the evil doers will see how they were deceived. This proves that satan is not a friend. He is the worst example of hypocrisy. What should be done , then? The answer is given in the following verse;
[017:019]  Provided he is a believer, anyone who desires (the rewards of) the afterlife and strives effectively for it, will discover that his efforts have found acceptance. 
Thus, the key is in striving for the good. None of us is perfect. We can never be angels. But what we can be is, good. This is why Allah swt say that if only we strive keeping in view the hereafter, then our deeds will be accepted. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said that �actions are judged by intentions.� so, if our intentions are good, they will be accepted. But If our actions are good and intentions are wrong, they will be rejected.

Those who take Allah swt as their friend will have Him not only in this world but He will be their friend and supporter in the hereafter as well. Remember, Allah swt is our lord. He created us and He knows all that we do not know. It is said that the company of a person suggests his character. If a person takes satan for friend, his character will eventually reflect that. But if a person takes Allah swt for his friend, then his character will reflect that. Allah swt say in glorious Quran;
[041:031] �We are your friends in the life of this world, as well as in the afterlife. There, you shall have anything your heart desires. There, whatever you ask for will be yours!� 
To have what we want, we must do what we should. 

Love and Islam

Normally, when love is mentioned in context of islam, it is about the love of Allah swt, or love of prophet Muhammad pbuh or love of parents, family or friends. In our society, these types of love are allowed and appreciated. But when it comes to the love between a man and woman, it is not seen as something which can have some meaning. Instead, you would find many mullahs giving fatwas against those who so much as like each other. Does islam allow such a thing? Is there any place in islam for such a thing?

Well, love is normally taken as a forbidden act. Where in reality of islam, it is not forbidden at all. It should not be thought that islam allows any such relationship openly, but islam sights things in their original manner and sense. So, let us find the original sense of love first. You can do it yourself by asking people randomly about their definition of love. Some would call it wrong, some would call it right. But it actually is a feeling, a kind of attraction that exists between two people. Two people can like each other for many reasons ranging from beauty to religion. Love itself is not satanic because it is a feeling. What becomes satanic is the wrong way to have it. Unfortunately, our society is one of the biggest reason why satan finds it easy to play tricks on the people's minds.

When a boy and a girl like each other, their ultimate wish is to live with each other. Islamically, they can live with each other via nikah. Nikah has its own obligations which require details. But nikah makes the relationship of a man and woman legitimate. If the two people are willing to enter the folds of nikah, then their should be no reason they should not be joined together, except for some reasons where there is involved some kind of fraud.

Remember, our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh got married to khadijah r.a because she liked his (pbuh) honesty. So she sent the proposal and he (pbuh) accepted it. Later on, the love between them grew. And khadija ra was the beloved wife of Muhammad pbuh. He pbuh loved her so much that when she passed away, He pbuh remained sad for long. And never married another women in her life. Such was the love between the two. Similarly, our beloved prophet pbuh loved Ayesha ra very much. So, love is a feeling. It grows stronger when intentions are pure, and it becomes week where lust and worldly needs are involved.

There is a famous sahih hadith regarding love. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said that there is nothing more liked than nikah for two people who are in love. Now this hadith tells us that islam recognizes the human feelings. Islam does not stop us from being humans. Islam simoly, does not want us to be angels. Because we are not angels but human beings. We, as men and women, coexist. Its inevitable for some of us to fall in love. So, islam simply puts us on the right path and tells us to legitimise the relationship.

There is another sahih hadith in which prophet Muhammad pbuh said that it should be religion for which a women is liked. That is, now a days, men like women for their faces and beauty. Very few men and women would like some one for their religion. We forget that this world is a temporary place. It is not our permanent residence. We ought to move to the next level. And if we are good enough to reach jannah, then we will all be the best in jannah. So what should matter to us the most in this world should be the akhirah, not the world.

In short and plain words, islam does not stop us from feeling for some one as long as we want to legitimise it. If it is not possible, we should learn to let go. If we stick with a thought or feeling, then this is what islam does not allow. 

Adultery In View Of Islam

Adultery is included in one of the biggest sins. We all know what adultery is, but most of us do not know that adultery does not specifically mean to have illegal physical relations with a non mehram. It is not limited to a physical contact. It has a much broader meaning. There are many things /acts which come under adultery. And a shocking fact is that they are done by us. Knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh said;

Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 77, Number 609:

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as what Abu Huraira said from the Prophet, who said, "Allah has written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking (at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and the inner-self wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the temptation."
We always have choices. Its not that we cannot choose. We can do something and we can abstain from it as per our wishes. The job of satan is to present this duniya as a wonderland and to present the sins as fun filled acts. While, the job of our conscience is to protect us from the tricks of satan. Thus, we are given the free will which is backed by our conscience.

The seeing of an unlawful thing will either make us hate that thing or we will want to do that. It is again up to us. Why we should not see a wrong thing is because of our curious nature. Yes, we are born with the curious nature. We want to know. The proof is the story of adam pbuh and eve. Eve did not want to eat that forbidden fruit but it was satan who implanted doubt in her heart.

Compelled by the curiosity to know why the fruit was forbidden, adam and eve tasted it. Who knows what that fruit contained, but what we know is that Allah swt forbade them to go near that particular tree. It was their free will that led them there. Same is the case with all of us. This energy to know is always there in all of us. Now we can either channelise it in good way or bad way it up to us. Similarly, hearing a wrong word can make us hear more. Uttering a wrong word might make us say more. So there is a warning giver inside us.

Allah swt say in holy Quran;
[017:032] And do not even wander close to extra marital sex. Indeed, adultery is a way of decadence.
Thus, it is an act of disgrace and dishonor. Every sin is preferred to be done in secrecy while every good deed will be done without fear. So, whatever we cannot share with people out of the fear of disrespect is wrong. It is wrong in the eyes of Allah. And He sees us every where. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said;

Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 18, Number 154:

Narrated 'Aisha :
�. The Prophet then said, "O followers of Muhammad! By Allah! There is none who has more ghaira (self-respect) than Allah as He has forbidden that His slaves, male or female commit adultery (illegal sexual intercourse). O followers of Muhammad! By Allah! If you knew that which I know you would laugh little and weep much.
Such matters are always dealt with only one emotion. Ghairah. If ghairah is such an important matter for us, then imagine the ghairah of Allah swt. If we cannot want us to be disgraced or if we do not want ourselves to be with disgraced, then Allah swt is our creator. How can we make Him know about such things that people do. The punishment of adultery in islam is stoning to death. But there is a sahih tradition that suggests that if an adulterer does not receive the punishment and repents, then Allah is the forgiver.  Prophet Muhammad pbuh said;

Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 329:

Narrated Abu Dhar:
Allah's Apostle said, "Someone came to me from my Lord and gave me the news (or good tidings) that if any of my followers dies worshiping none (in any way) along with Allah, he will enter Paradise." I asked, "Even if he committed illegal sexual intercourse (adultery) and theft?" He replied, "Even if he committed illegal sexual intercourse (adultery) and theft".
Thus, every sin has an eraser called repentance. If one really repents, then there is Allah mercy for him. It is again the matter of choice. We we have both choices all the time.

The Evil Whispers

This world is a mix of good and bad. It is because, where there is an opportunity of good, satan comes and blows into the opportunity of evil as well. Satan is our enemy, nothing that comes from him is free of evil. Satan hates us because we were given knowledge and status which , according to him, he deserved. Well, this is the long story and we all know this. What we do not want to know is that, whatever evil we think and see, whatever we believe in evil but we still do it, is all a game of satan. He is bent to make evil attractive for human beings because with every bad deed a human does, satan feels himself successful one degree more.

Now, what is that which urges us to look towards the evil. The answer is the whispers which satan blows into our ears. The evil which satan creates in our hearts and minds. Satan is powerless to directly talk us into or out of his choices, so he works his way in our lives through his vain and useless tricks. Now, if the iman of a person is strong, he will never fell for satan's tricks. So it depends upon the degree of iman which strengthens and weakens the tricks of satan. It can be understood with the following hadith;

Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 495:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
Narrated Muhammad bin Sirin: Abu Huraira said, "Allah's Apostle put me in charge of the Zakat of Ramadan (i.e. Zakat-ul-Fitr). Someone came to me and started scooping some of the foodstuff of (Zakat) with both hands. I caught him and told him that I would take him to Allah's Apostle." Then Abu Huraira told the whole narration and added "He (i.e. the thief) said, 'Whenever you go to your bed, recite the Verse of "Al-Kursi" (2.255) for then a guardian from Allah will be guarding you, and Satan will not approach you till dawn.' " On that the Prophet said, "He told you the truth, though he is a liar, and he (the thief) himself was the Satan."
This shows that the iman of a person makes it easy or difficult for satan to trick him. Oft times, people think of thoughts or ideas which are totally wrong or impure. What should one do in such a time? Allah swt say in Quran;
[007:200] When the devil whispers to you any whisper, seek refuge in GOD; He is Hearer, Omniscient.
Similarly, in another place, Allah swt say the same thing in the following words;
[041:036] When the devil whispers an idea to you, you shall seek refuge in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
Thus, whenever an evil thought or idea crosses your mind, seek Allah's forgiveness. Because Allah is the all knower. He knows that satan will never miss a chance to derail one's goodness. So, Allah swt Himself tells us to seek his forgiveness. And He will forgive us.  Allah apostle, Muhammad pbuh said in the following hadith;

Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 46, Number 705:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Allah has accepted my invocation to forgive what whispers in the hearts of my followers, unless they put it to action or utter it." (See Hadith No. 657 Vol. 8)
Thus, until one does not put his thoughts into action, there will be no sin. But the extensive exposure to evil leads to its practice as well. We should constantly seek forgiveness of Allah against the evil.