What Quran Says About Interest Takers

Interest called ribbah, is prohibited and a haram money. ALLAH swt has prohibited it and any business that involves giving or taking of interest is also haram. It�s a gunnah-e kabira.

ALLAH swt has mentioned about interest and its takers at many places in Quran and has warned them for their act.

Holy Quran: 2:276
�Allah makes (the benefits of) Interest decline (and dwindle), while He causes the charity to grow (and flourish). Allah dislikes all the unbelievers the (ungrateful) sinners!�
ALLAG swt had ordered us to stop the transactions in interest and give charity. When dealt in interest, people strive to earn the most from investing the minimum amount. This causes the imbalance of money supply in the markets. Thus the money circulation stops to only one corner of the society with those who can pay interest and those who know all the tactics to take interest at every little transaction. We see this happening in the society today. There is no money circulation on the society where interest prevails.

But when charity is given, this money is utilized only by those who are poor earners. There is a large number of people who earn less than one dollar daily, so when the charity is paid, money goes down instead of going up, making a complete opposite money circle than is seen in the interest based society. Money goes down and level of people�s life standard goes up and equality grows in the society. This leads to balanced economic society and also the expropriation of other�s rights becomes rather impossible. this is just one logic to shun the use of interest there are many others.

ALLAh swt says in Quran: 2:278
�Oh you who believe! Fear Allah and write off (all outstanding) Interest (due you) that still accrues, if you (really) are the believers.�
This verse is a clear cut message of ALLAH swt to those who are muslims. They cannot deal in interest if they want to be believers.

We should fear ALLAH swt and we should fear that torment and that humiliation which could be faced if we do not take care of the money we earn.

This is a very serious problem in our society today because there is no business deal which does not involve interest to be paid, or to be taken. Similarly, people in their daily lives, get loans for any purpose, these small or large loans also involve small or huge amount of interest. Once taken, the borrower will have to pay the interest amount or it will be multiplied with each default. This is how one class of people makes all the money and expropriates the rights of others.

In Quran ALLAH swt says that when usury is paid, it does not do any good to society or it does not do any good to that person even, rather it only increases the money of those who already have more than enough by expropriating the rights of others. But if zakat is paid, it does not only earn the pleasure of ALlAH swt but also beneficial for the society at large. All the debates on economic realities and political system related to economic justice and all can be thrown to dust bin only by following Quran and Sunnah and by adhering to what ALLAH swt has told us to do.

Happiness of Ramadan

Holy Month of Ramadan  make every person happy and the joy that billions of us will feel happy when the month of Ramadan arrives, those who are not Muslim can not imagine what Ramadan is really like. For them it must seem like a severe diet that lasts for a 30 days.

How, they say, can people look forward to going without food and drink between dawn and sunset for a whole month? Yes that Muslim who do, we Muslim look forward to whole year for the month of happiness, the month in which Allah him self asked us about our needs and fulfill those needs with his mercy. Muslims waits for complete year and prepare them for the month of mercy to fast.

The reason behind this is very simple, Muslims have been commanded by Allah to do so. According to the holy Quran
O ye who believe. Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you. That ye may (learn) self-restraint.] (Al-Baqarah 2:183) 
The fast is done only for the sake of Allah Almighty, the happiness and the joy which a fast bring can not be describe in words and the rewards of doing fast for the sake of Allah is clearly defined and that is HEAVEN  jannah.

For all Muslims Ramadan is the month to make another beginning to obey the orders of Allah and his prophet (pbuh). This is the month to set ones priorities to come back to the religion after doing so much sin to ask the forginess to Allah Almighty to start a life as per the teaching of prophet(pbuh) to be faithful to prayers, to recite the Qur�an, to give thanks at all times to Allah for His goodness.

When each day fast is over it brings nice joy on the face of every Muslim and they thank Allah for keeping them alive to see the spiritual month of Ramadan, it is the time when Muslims all over the world share achievements and being a Muslim they fast for the sake of Allah and will only end the fast with the name of Allah when the Muezzin announce that it is the time to end the fast by the name of Allah Almighty. Radios will be turned on in anticipation of the call to Prayer. Throats thirsting for water will eagerly await the cry of �Allahu Akbar� to end the day�s fast. This Year's Ramadan is near so everyone get ready for fasting.

Advises for Muslim Youth

Life is responsibility given to us by Allah. Therefore to lead it seriously and to understand the duty is what the most important thing to do is. Allah swt has said several times in Quran that to spend life in a way serving HIM is the purpose of life. But there are many few who understand the value of life.

In the age of youth, almost 90 percent of humans waste their time in useless activities. See what happens today. Young boys and girls spend their time in music, dance, driving, partying and they forget to offer the obligations which ALLAH swt has put on every muslim.

Al-Quran 2:281
�And fear the Day when you shall be brought back to ALLAH. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly�
To hold the book of deeds in the right hand means to lead a life considering it a responsibility and a trust that has been bestowed on us by ALLAH. We should be more than careful about our deeds when we are young. It is said that young age is the most dangerous age because this is that period of time when emotions are strong and high and logic is covered by them. Hence any step can be taken in any direction if due care is not taken. Shatan likes to shatter the iman of youngsters because children are innocent and shatan;s trick do not influence their innocents minds. In old age, a man already learns enough from his life to take some what sound decisions, but in young age, everything looks right which is thought. And every logic looks absurd and backward. This is why youth should be protected from satan.

The biggest problem with youth is that they fell into the trap of love and emotions easily. The love which is promoted through dramas and movies looks very good and precious but in reality, it is the biggest source to inject the evil practice of zina in society. In islam there is no place for �love� and there is not even a logic behind it. But still novels and biggest writers call it a mystery and unknown. It is neither mystery nor unknown. It is known. it bears no logic because it is a feeling led by wild emotions. Therefore to protect oneself from it should be the primary concern.

Singing and dancing was once considered filth and a degraded act but now it is considered a field of art. The art of emotions and life. There are songs made today especially to attract youth that contain very shirkia words where some times the holy words of Quran are sung with vulgar dance and sometimes God Is cursed. Similarly youth are shown dancing and enjoying life. The common belief in today�s young world is to lead life at full because the fun is full on and this time will not come again. Through the absurd term �fun� , illicit relationship and distance from God is been promoted.

The only target for youth is to be engineer or doctor but they do not want to find what is written in Quran and what was said by Muhammad s.a.w.w. parents like their children to be good at worldly activities but they do not encourage their kids to be good muslims. Young generation knows that there are characters that can find any danger to the world, the concept of God is been wiped out from their minds through high quality fiction movies and cartoons and video games. These video games are not for kids but youngsters through that they learn to kill, to deceive and to steal. They are gradually loosing humanity.

The only advice youth needs is that they should realize their duty and their value. They should read Quran and understand it. They should know how Muhammad s.a.w.w led His life and should learn how the pious muslims competed their duties and died a death of honor and dignity.

Importance of Morals and Ethics

The best thing about Islam is the morals and ethics that we should follow to be good muslims. To leave a good impression on others one must speak polite and balanced. To utter harsh words in harsh tone ruin the image of the good personality.

So, when a person is known as liar, an ill mannered and the one who speaks too much and wastes time, even his good looks and outer personality goes into dust. Therefore, ALLAH swt has told us to be careful in speech and to use those words that do not seem harsh and do not leave a bad impression on others.

We find many commands in Quran hat talk about what to avoid while speaking.

ALLAH swt says in Holy Quran:  3:17
�Those who show patience, Firmness and self-control; who are true (in word and deed); who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way of God); and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning�
IN THE NOBEL VERSE quoted above, ALLAH swt talks about the characteristics of the pious men of ALLAH. And one of the characteristics mentioned is the truthfulness of the speech and acts.

We are commanded to speak justly with everyone in every matter no matter how much an issue is serious and our own relation is at stake.

In verse 2:83, ALLAH swt says:
�And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel (to this effect): Worship none but God; treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now).�
Here speaking fair means to speak politely and I kind way so that people who need our help or who depend on us do not get offended, what else could be the best thing if not a word of kindness!

We should better talk polite because even if with good intension we say a word in a bitter way, shaitan gets a chance to sow the seed of hatred between the relations.

In verse 23:3
�Who avoid vain talk;�
Talking uselessly and too much irritates and people avoid listening to such a person even if he wants to speak good. Backbiting is a sin and later in the same verse ALLAH swt has compared backbiting with eating flesh of a dead person, which indeed is filthy. If one claims something, he should back it with sound proofs otherwise that will be a plain lie and allegation.

To slander others without proof in front of other is a sin.

Who Is Real Beautiful?

Beauty is what is liked the most and is wanted the most. But what beauty actually is? Is it only the beauty that our eyes can see or it is the beauty that our mind can assess? There is a well known saying �beauty lies in the eyes of beholder�

This saying is commonly used to justify the purpose of creation of everything that otherwise can be rejected and thrown if justified by the looks. Therefore, it is said that what beauty is can be different for different people. One might love something praising its beauty while the other might reject it. The craze for beauty has increased so much that everybody wants to look good, by any means. For this people modify their body parts, they do so much things to themselves that their appearance changes totally making them look unnatural being.

What ALLAH swt says about beauty? What is beauty in the eyes of the creator of heavens and earth?
ALLAH swt says in Quran: 40: 64
�All�h, it is He Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is All�h, your Lord, so Blessed is All�h, the Lord of the 'Alam�n (mankind, jinn and all that exists)�
In the verse above, ALLAH swt says that HE has created us and shaped us that look good and perfect. So, when we are good looking and perfect in the eyes of ALLAH swt, how can we be un-grateful to HIM about our looks? Is there any way to amend the perfection? If not, then nobody can criticize nobody on looks.

In the quran, ALLAH swt say that HE fashioned us perfectly i.e. HE has given us perfect shapes, and HE created everything in us in exact proportion, neither an inch extra nor an inch less. And then HE says that HE MADE US LOOK according to HIS will, how can we question the will of ALLAH.

Medical science now says that beautiful parents can have less good looking children and some average looking people can have beautiful children, similarly or complexions and other genetic information can vary as per our race.

Al-Quran: 64: 3
� has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes, And to Him is the final Return.�
This noble verse also speaks the same i.e. we are created as beautiful and perfect. We do not need any more amendments. Thus, by calling other ugly, imperfect or bad, it only means the one who says or thinks so, is questioning the creation and power of ALLAH. Among us, some are better looking than other, but no one is ugly, and we are not entitled to call others ugly or of bad looks.

Our Real Home is Hereafter not this world

this question arises in the mind of every human being that why we are here in this world? what is the purpose of this life and what will happen after we will die? Allah SWT has given the answers of all these questions in Glorious Quran.

Allah SWT says in the Quran:
I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. Verse (51:56) 
 So in light of this verse the basic purpose of our creation is to worship our creator Allah SWT. we are in this world to worship him and glorify him. secondly Allah SWT has not made this world our permanent home. He created death so we can go to the next world that is our permanent home where we will get Heaven or hell depending upon our deeds.

 Allah SWT says in Quran about present world
The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception. 3:185
In another verse it is said
Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the hereafter. But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared to the hereafter. 9:38
so in light of these two verses it becomes clear that this world is valueless as compared to hereafter. our real preparation should be for the day of Judgement. we try so much harder to get wealth, degrees and other things which will not go with us in the hereafter. but how much Importance we give to our deeds which got real Importance? how much we Remember Allah SWT?

we should try to prepare ourselves for our final destination if we really want to be successful.

Earning and Spending Money From Islamic point of view

We are living in a time when the Importance of money is more than ever. the desire of living a lavish life style is more than ever due to Impact of media. Our beloved Rasool SAW has told us that fitnah of my ummah is wealth. Quran tells us that our wealth and our kids are a test for us. there is no doubt that human beings love wealth. when they get the wealth they want even more and this desire never ends till we die. Having wealth is not a bad thing if earned and used in  the right way.

In fact earning money through Halal way and hard work is a virtue. Beloved Rasool SAW said that
Honest traders will be in the category of messengers, saints and martyrs on day of judgement. Bukhari 
another hadith tells us that spending money earned through Halal way on your family is Sadqaah. however its Haram to make money through methods which are forbidden by our Deen like dealing in Interest, doing dishonesty, lying about the Item that you are selling. using money for wrong purposes like bribery, corruption is also Haram.

It is also Important to give Zakat on the money that you have earned. Zakat Purify your wealth and also ends poverty from the society. along with Zakat you should also try to do as much Sadqah as you can. Rasool Allah SAW used to do massive charity.

It is Important to be moderate in spending the money. you should not be wasting the money on unnecessary things and you should also not be a miser. these are some point which we must keep in mind related to Money, earning and spending.